Urban Native Education Alliance
Thriving through Education, Culture and Tradition
UNEA offers culturally responsive and relevant support to Native youth and families through social, cultural, and educational support services. UNEA provides consultation, advocacy, support and resources for Native families and students. We are inspired by our 100% graduation and advancement of Native learners participating in Clear Sky program. Our organization is driven by our grass roots community volunteers and we are committed to our core values; Integrity, Interconnectedness, Inclusion, and Service. Our programs are all youth centered, youth driven and designed for promoting health, wellness and academic, socio-cultural success for youth, families and community.
Health, Education, Media/Arts, Culture, Youth/Elders, Civic Service and Leadership
Established: December 2008
Year Joined: October 2018
Our flagship Program is Seattle Clear Sky and our youth truly are the heartbeat of our organization and Native Warrior Athletics program focuses on holistic health, wellness and fitness.
Our flagship Program is Seattle Clear Sky and our youth truly are the heartbeat of our organization and Native Warrior Athletics program focuses on holistic health, wellness and fitness. We provide a free activities centering intertribal values and positive cultural identity. Basketball, Run/Walk and traditional food cooking classes are all integral aspect of our NWA program. Student quotes – “I just want to be part of Clear Sky because it is not only fun but connects me with my community” Eric (Tulalip). “Leadership workshops, tribal language classes and academic tutoring at Clear Sky make my educational experience relevant and deepen my pride in my tribal identity” Shawn (Oglala). “Im learning about traditional values and cultural teachings not taught in in mainstream classrooms in Seattle.” Anonymous (Lummi). “I have a family in Clear Sky and NWA Basketball team” Thomas (Haida).
Seattle Clear Sky Native Youth Council (SCSNYC) and Native Warrior Athletics (NWA) are programs of UNEA. SCSNYC is a youth centered, youth driven program of UNEA. Clear Sky originated in February of 2008 with a few Native youth initiating weekly gathering in response to the lack of cultural, social and academic support. Clear Sky and UNEA eventually merged as a natural evolution of parents, youth, educators, and community members coalescing together to strengthen their resolve to create successful grassroots organization with the clear purpose of serving Native youth. Clear Sky provides a number of resources, activities, educational and cultural opportunities not otherwise available or accessible to our urban Native youth. Clear Sky Native Youth Council Program has become a touchstone and a place of power for community building since its organic inception. Highlights of Clear Sky Program include: Leadership Council, Natives on the Rise Mentorship Project, Empowerment Workshops, Life Skills trainings, and our monthly Clear Sky Newsletters. Youth participants have opportunity to learn and grow specific skills sets and prepare for college, technology school and workforce through; civic and community service, stewardship, self- advocacy, and professional development. All programming and activities are designed for Native youth, Native youth voice, and with thoughtful attention to cultural relevancy and cultural responsiveness.
Native Warrior Athletics programs features sports, fitness classes, workshops and Basketball training for Native youth. Our fitness activities include Running/Walking Team, Fun Run/walk events, workshops on nutrition and health, special guest speakers and workshops to promote health and wellness. Our Native Warriors basketball activities include; leagues, scrimmages, practices, and tournaments. We also have special training sessions with guest coaches and opportunities for improving individual skills. Our N.W.A. program emphasizes team work, cultural and tribal identity and values. We strive to encourage our Native youth to make positive choices and serve as role models in our community.