Red Eagle Soaring
Exists to empower Native youth through the performing arts
Since 1991 Red Eagle Soaring, or ‘RES’, serves Native youth ages 10-19 in the Seattle area, empowering them by building their self-confidence and self-expression through traditional and contemporary performing arts, keeping them critically connected to their cultural identity and fostering civic engagement, as well as personal, artistic and leadership development. RES also supports the continued artistic and professional development of its Alumni in a program called ‘YTT Urban Native Performing Artists’, supporting them as the next generation of Native Teaching Artists and community leaders. RES also offers a YTT Scholarship to RES Alumni going on to Higher Education.
Media/Arts, Culture, Youth/Elders, Community Building, Health, Education, Economic Opportunity
Established: 1991
Year Joined: 2018
RES has mentored hundreds of Native youth and staged almost 170
productions to date in Seattle, the region and abroad.
RES continues to be a beacon for a new generation of upcoming Native artists, writers, directors, producers, musicians, videographers, visual media creators, and more, bringing Native stories and perspectives to the forefront of the public consciousness. RES supports youth access to the healing power of Native cultural traditions which promote social, physical, and intellectual engagement. In bringing together Native youth to learn about the technical aspects and process of theatre, they also build a community of people interested in learning about, sharing, promoting, and supporting Native arts and cultural life ways.