Native Action Network
Empowering Native Women of All Ages
Native Action Network (NAN) is a nonprofit organized to promote Native women’s full representation, participation, and leadership in local, state, tribal, and national affairs. NAN achieves this by hosting intergenerational leadership forums, youth academies,10-month Legacy of Leadership cohorts, leadership luncheons, nonprofit capacity building workshops, as well as other community development and civic participation activities. All of NAN’s programming and resources are intended to empower Native women of all ages.
Community Building, Youth/Elders, Civic Engagement, Social Services, Education, Economic Opportunity, Culture, Health, Legal, Housing, Media/Arts, Environment Protection, Philanthropy
Established: 2001
Year Joined: 2016
Our mission is to enhance the beauty, strength, and integrity of American Indian and Alaskan Native communities through personal empowerment and civic participation.
Native women have, and always will hold, respected roles in our communities. We are the bearers of a sacred spirit and carry responsibility as nurturers, teachers, leaders, and warriors for our people.
Native Women’s Leadership Forum and Enduring Spirit Awards
The Native Women’s Leadership Forum and Enduring Spirit Honoring Luncheon provides an environment in which Native women—daughters, mothers, granddaughters, great-grandmothers—can interact with one another through workshops, sharing stories, networking, and cultural presentations. Each year, a small group of women receive the Enduring Spirit Award which recognizes their lifetime achievements contributing to healthy communities.
Young Native Women’s Leadership Academy
The annual Young Native Women’s Leadership Academy prepares the next generation of women Native leaders by combining cultural values with modern tools and services. Young Native women who are seniors in high school through their final year in college apply, and receive lodging, meals, materials, and two intensive days of training at no cost.
Leadership Luncheons
NAN introduced a new series of Leadership Luncheons in 2020. The luncheon series creates opportunities for participants to network with fellow Native women and colleagues across fields. Lunch is complimentary and new guest speakers present at each gathering.
Legacy of Leadership Cohort
The Legacy of Leadership Cohort nurtures emerging Native professionals and advocates that serve the Native population of King County, Washington. Cohort members complete ten months of leadership training sessions addressing issues and topics relevant to the urban Native population, and work in groups to realize their own projects with guidance from a mentor.
Nonprofit Capacity Building Workshops
Native Action Network offers free workshops for staff and board members working with Native organizations. Courses are taught by instructors well-immersed in the nonprofit world, and NAN is working to strengthen community capacity by training a group of Native women participants to be instructors in future year.
A Growing Network
The journey continues long after each gathering, as participants in Native Action Network’s leadership development programs are welcomed into an elite and connected alumni network with the tools to propel members to reach newly defined goals. With each event, NAN’s network expands, providing endless opportunities to connect, explore career and educational interests, and share goals with a community of powerful and amazing Native women leaders.