Na’ah Illahee Fund
Creating healthy pathways towards self-determination and movement-building.
We are an Indigenous women-led organization dedicated to the ongoing regeneration of Indigenous communities. Innovative solutions lie in the brilliance of our people, and we work to build the capacity of community leaders to draw upon deep resilience to realize their dreams. We believe that stronger female-identified, gender nonconforming, and non-binary leaders are central to the regeneration and revitalization of Indigenous cultures and communities and, with the opportunities to determine their own priorities for the future.
Community Building, Philanthropy, Education, Economic Opportunity, Media/Arts, Culture, Environment Protection, Youth/Elders
Established: 2007
Year Joined: 2016
Focused on Indigenous Ecology, Food Sovereignty, and Wise Action, we work to advance climate and gender justice, while creating healthy pathways towards self-determination and movement-building.
Indigenous Ecology, Foods and Land Restoration
Our programming elevates Indigenous women who are committed to strengthening balanced connections with the land and waters of Mother Earth that support all our relations. We place a high value on growing and harvesting our own foods and medicines and sharing old teachings in new and relevant ways, suited for the times we currently find ourselves in.
Youth Cultural Arts & NDN Tech
PANIF seeks to support the development of strong, positive Indigenous identity through work centering youth in learning about traditional foods and medicines, historical and sacred places in the community they live, traditional language of the Seattle area, cultural arts, and leadership in the growing movement of Indigenous people fighting for the health of Mother Earth and Native communities.
Grantmaking Program
Our community is the best at addressing our own needs, but we often lack the resources to implement solutions. Na’ah Illahee maintains good community relationships because it is important to us to be good relatives. This enables us to strategically invest directly into Indigenous communities and uphold people already doing good work. NIF’s grantmaking program includes our Giving Circle, special initiatives, and giving campaigns. Funding decisions are made by committees made up of NIF board, staff, and community members.
Wise Action (Environmental & Climate Justice, Just Transition, Policy Advocacy)
Wise Action is deeply rooted in community, equity, reciprocity and belonging – moving us toward a stronger future together. This practice is guided by the teachings of our ancestors, that honors the rights of Mother Earth and all our relations. This is where we start in our policy advocacy and systems change work. It is the perspective we are called on to bring to the policy circles we sit in, and what we hope to help people understand when we are building relationships with allies and partners.
Cedar Rising Coalition
The Cedar Rising Coalition is a group of Native-led non-profits, grassroots individuals, and government organizations that are working to end gender-based violence in Native communities in Western Washington. We believe in innovative, collaborative movements that will raise awareness and develop partnerships, foster true cultural competency, and increase access to services for our Native relatives who are at risk of being targeted for violence.