Indigenous Showcase
(Longhouse Media)
Changing The Narrative & Amplifying Voices
Indigenous Showcase creates a platform for community dialogue, supports Indigenous arts and highlights stories made by or from the perspective of the Indigenous voice.
Media/Arts, Culture, Community Building, Youth/Elders, Education
Established: 2005
Year Joined: Founding Member
Founded in 2005, Indigenous Showcase is a unique cultural program driven by Indigenous philosophies and values. Indigenous Showcase is culturally responsive, Indigenous-run, and generous by design. Our mission—to change the narrative by amplifying Indigenous voices—is at the heart of who we are: Storytellers. We provide a platform from which Indigenous people can share their stories through film screenings, post-film discussions with community and industry professionals, art installations, and readings.
We believe that by amplifying Indigenous voices, we undermine stereotypes, racism, and fear, and bring people together to begin the work needed to transform historical relationships and reduce inequality.
Our events nurture the expression and development of Indigenous people and communities, drawing from traditional and modern forms of storytelling, using media as a tool for self-expression, cultural preservation, and social change.